
Copyright and Trademark

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ASKLOCALA, FUSIO by ASK LOCALA, YANCO, Adverification Score, Ad Moments, MM Connect, Media Connect (including their verbal, semi-figurative and figurative elements) are trademarks and/or registered trademarks owned by Ask Locala SAS (a French registered company having its offices 55 Rue d’Amsterdam, 75008 Paris, France) or by its subsidiaries and are extensively used notably in Europe, USA, Singapore and Brazil, among other countries.

None of these trademarks may be used in any way, without prior written consent from ASK LOCALA SAS.

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The Format 3D cube, the Video 2 Store, the Fusio and the Yanco solutions, the www.asklocalafr.wpengine.com  website (including any title, content names, design, text, images, photographs, logos, illustrations, videos, graphics, software and all other elements that are included in those elements) are copyright material owned by ASK LOCALA SAS (a French registered company having its offices 55 Rue d’Amsterdam, 75008 Paris, France) and /or its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Any use, reproduction, retransmission, republication, modification, adaptation, translation or any other kind of use of all or part of these elements is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission from ASK LOCALA SAS.

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