
Frontend Engineer

S4M – The Drive-to-Store Platform – is the first and only advertising technology that connects brands to consumers by bridging the gap between digital advertising and the real-world. S4M created a unified technology for marketers to manage, measure, and optimize incremental visits in real-time to online and physical stores. S4M is committed to transparency and full autonomy for its clients from online impressions until conversions and relies on data obtained only with the user’s explicit consent.

Founded in 2011 by mobile marketing pioneers, S4M has more than 180 employees and services more than 600 advertisers worldwide. The company has ten offices in the US, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Latin America. 


The front-end stack

  • VueJS + VueX
  • ES6+ with Babel
  • Webpack
  • Apollo to connect to GraphQL server (we’re migrating to an in-house GQL client soon)
  • D3 for data visualisation
  • Leaflet, Here & Turf for maps
  • Mocha, Sinon & Chai unit testing with Karma
  • Automated integration testing with TestCafe
  • SCSS (BEM)
  • ESLint (config based on AirBnb’s rules) and code review on Gitlab
  • Continuous integration on Gitlab CI

The full tech stack

  • Scala (+ Akka, Sangria for GraphQL)
  • Java / RxJava
  • Ruby (+ Rails)
  • PHP (+ Symphony, Laravel)
  • Complete big-data stack: stream (Flink, Kafka Stream, Storm), batch (Spark/Hadoop),  with a big datalake (Cassandra, Druid, Parquet, S3, Mesos, Hive/SparkSQL).
  • An Event-Sourcing store and a CQRS proxy to glue our distributed composition of service.
  • A complete IA (Machine Learning, Optimization) Platform (Micro-service, industrial inhouse dashboard and pipeline) is the brain of this powerful stack.


What will you be working on at S4M?

  • Our shiny new DSP (Demand Side Platform) is about to go live, and we’ll be adding loads of new features to it
  • The next big project is a DMP (Data Management Platform) which will involve leveraging Billions of records, and Terabytes of data.
  • We also have an AdBuilder, which lets our designers build their own animated ads
  • We have plenty of smaller projects creating internal tools for the other S4M teams


Skills & experiences we’re looking for

We’re looking for people who love learning new things, writing elegant code, and creating great user experiences. The following points are pretty important to us:

  • You’ve worked with modern JS on large-scale production applications
  • You have solid experience with at least one of the big frameworks (Vue, React, Angular)
  • You’re comfortable working with Git
  • You have great communication skills (in French and English)


A bit more about the company

  • There are annual teambuilding activities for the R&D team, and for the company as a whole
  • We have table football in the kitchen, and table tennis on the terrace. Babyfoot is serious business!
  • We love organising apéros in bars around the Batignolles
  • We’ve got 150+ private repositories, and 30+ open source repositories
  • We store 1TB of new data every day and we manage about 600k HTTP requests per second


Based in Paris, Marseille or Montréal

If you wish to apply please send your resume to work@s4m.io with the subject line: Frontend Engineer. A cover letter and a Github profile would be highly appreciated.